About my encounter with coffee

blog in English

Coffee is quite familiar to us☕️ Even small children drink it when they are in elementary school, right? But is that real coffee?

I drink about 3 to 5 cans of coffee every day.

You can easily get hot or cold ones from vending machines, and you can also get them easily at convenience stores.

Such coffee, which is familiar and easy for anyone to get, and which almost everyone has tasted.

If you talk about major brands, UCC canned coffee.

I didn’t like it because it was sweet, but Daido, Coca-Cola, and especially Starbucks. Frappuccino is indispensable in summer😆

What is the real encounter with such coffee☕️? It’s Starbucks.

Among them, Starbucks Reserve

Starbucks Coffee Japan|スターバックス コーヒー ジャパンスターバックス コーヒー ジャパンの公式ホームページ。新商品・メニュー情報、店舗検索、イベント情報、求人情報、エスプレッソドリンク用語の解説、コーヒー豆の解説、IR情報、CSR情報など。www.starbucks.co.jp

How many are there in Japan? 63 stores. Rare coffee beans that only those stores handle. They change depending on the season, and they are not always enjoyable.

STARBUCKS RESERVE®|スターバックス コーヒー ジャパンスターバックス リザーブは、より洗練されたコーヒーを楽しみたい方のための特別なブランドです。コーヒーへの愛情があふれるのめり込むようなコーヒー体験を届けること。スターバックス リザーブ ロースタリーで焙煎させる世界中で最も個性豊かで、最も高く評価され、誰もが味わいたいと思うコーヒーを探し求める旅は、今も続いています。www.starbucks.co.jp

The coffee extracted with a dedicated machine is exceptional. Of course, coffee is a matter of taste, and not all beans and people find it delicious.

My worldview of coffee changed dramatically because of such a rare encounter.

The coffee I met at that time was? Brazil Barinas.

This was the trigger for me to gradually get into it and start roasting it myself.

Please note that this is an automated translation and may not be accurate or natural.

