A cat’s power of observation and amazing feats, cats and catnip! Memories with momo ep3

blog in English

Hello, this is colorful beans.

Memories with Momo-chan ep3

A cat’s power of observation and amazing feats, cats and catnip!

On one of my days off,
As I was reading a novel,
Beside me was…

For some reason,
Resting its head on my hand.

How adorable.

Usually, they would run around outside,
Sometimes engaging in territorial disputes,
Or perhaps competing for the attention of a female cat.
Chasing after scars was also not uncommon.

I wonder what thoughts crossed their minds
As they observed the world around them?

Momo, calm and adorable.
However, it didn’t last forever…

“Let me go outside!!” and that’s when it happens.
In an instant, everything changes like it was all a lie!
They become demanding, unleashing their wild side.

They run rampant throughout the house, crying and screaming,
Continuing until we give in.
Momo, who has given us so many memories,
Starts displaying astonishing behavior!!!

Unexpectedly, he jumps and then opens the door!!
Wow, how did he learn that?
By observing our actions, he must have figured out how to open the door.
Even the current Moca can do it now!!

A cat’s power of observation and amazing feats, cats and catnip! Memories with momo ep3

Now, let’s change the topic!
What is this?
What do you think they are looking at?
Please imagine.

I’m sorry, but I cannot provide an accurate translation for the given phrase as it seems to contain some Japanese characters (マタタビ) that are not translatable in English. However, I can provide a translation for the following sentence:

“Matatabi is a type of tree belonging to the Matatabi family and the Matatabi genus.”

Please note that “Matatabi” refers to a specific type of plant in Japanese and may not have an equivalent or commonly used English name.

The components of Matatabi include Matatabi lactone and actinidine. When these substances stimulate a cat’s Jacobson’s organ, it can cause paralysis of the central nervous system and result in behaviors such as running around and rolling over, creating a euphoric state. In simpler terms, it’s like being intoxicated. However, it’s important to note that Matatabi does not create dependency. The effects of Matatabi can vary between individuals.

Regarding the effects:

  1. Stress relief: Providing Matatabi can activate cats, causing them to run around and engage in physical activity, which can help alleviate stress. It can also address issues of insufficient exercise.
  2. Appetite stimulation: When given to cats experiencing a loss of appetite, Matatabi can help increase their interest in food. You can mix it with their meals. However, if your cat consistently shows a lack of appetite, it’s important to consider potential underlying health issues and consult a veterinarian rather than relying solely on Matatabi.
  3. Anti-aging: Cats tend to have minimal chewing behavior when eating, so toys or objects containing Matatabi or resembling wood can be provided. Chewing stimulates the brain, potentially aiding in anti-aging effects.

While positive effects are expected, it’s important to note that there can also be negative aspects to consider.

Dangers of Matatabi:

There is a potential risk of abnormal paralysis of the central nervous system when administered in large quantities. It can also lead to respiratory difficulties, so it’s important to exercise caution.

To prevent excessive consumption when the owner is absent, careful attention should be paid to the placement of Matatabi and related products.

Furthermore, the effectiveness of Matatabi varies in the following order: powder, liquid, fruit, and branches, with increasing potency. It is crucial to have a thorough understanding before providing it to your cat.

Effectiveness can vary among individual cats. It is important to carefully observe the response and ensure that it can be controlled when administering Matatabi.

Regarding the method of administration, it is best for the owner to understand and adapt to their specific cat’s preferences.

There are different types of administration: allowing the cat to smell the scent, providing it as food, or allowing them to lick it. Each type has its own unique characteristics in terms of effectiveness.

The type where the cat smells the scent has a long-lasting effect but provides a milder stimulation.

Feeding or licking types provide stronger stimulation but the effects do not last long. This is because when the cat eats or swallows it, the substance does not come into direct contact with the Jacobson’s organ.

It is recommended to maintain a moderate interval between administrations. If given every day, the effectiveness may diminish.

The cat’s body seems to become accustomed to it over time.

Please consider incorporating it as part of training or as a reward in moderation.

I give it to my cat when I feel like I’ve caused stress by taking them for a walk or giving them a shower, to help them forget about the stress.

So there are times when I don’t give it for several months.

I give it when I feel like it’s been a while since the last time.

I always make sure to give it on weekends.

Wishing you a happy life with your beloved cat. ❤️

Thank you for reading this far. 😊


P.S.  I apologize for the incorrect order of the posts, with EP3 being the last one.

