I will introduce Momo-chan. From Stray Cat to House Cat.

blog in English

I introduced Moca and Berry the other day, but this time, I would like to introduce Momo-chan.

Unfortunately, Momo-chan is not currently with us.

Momo-chan was a stray cat, and I want to preserve the memories of our brief encounter and time together.

Our meeting was sudden and coincidental. It happened in our parking lot.

When Momo-chan noticed me, she hid under the car. My wife placed some unfinished dumplings there, and we stepped back a little.

Cautiously, she emerged and sniffed the aroma of the dumplings 🐽

Bite! She ate them in an instant!

Momo-chan immediately ran away 😅

My wife, hoping for a sudden touch, was half in tears 🤣

As if it would be that easy! 👋
That’s the retort 😁

Momo-chan at that time ☝️
Since then, my wife has been scattering food in the parking lot.

As a result, Momo-chan started to approach gradually!

Slowly, slowly, we began to feed her 🍖.

We gradually managed to bring her closer to our house from the parking lot.

Finally, she started coming all the way to the veranda.

Her wariness diminished little by little, and she even allowed us to pet her 🆗.

And then, in a moment of carelessness!

Abduction!! 🤣 We abducted her into the house! LOL

She looks a little dirty, though.

We gave her a shower, and oh boy, she became clean. I thought she would resist a lot, but she surprisingly remained calm and cooperative, which was a great relief.

Did she understand affection?
She would come up to my lap and became quite affectionate.

We were faced with a dilemma: what to do about spaying/neutering…

To turn her into a perfect house cat…
She had been striving as a stray cat all this time,

Can Momo, who still carries a wild nature, adapt to a domestic pet’s life?

We also took her to the veterinary clinic for a health check-up. Thankfully, she was in good health, which was a relief.

However, we still couldn’t make up our minds about the spaying surgery 😭

Is it just our selfishness? What is Momo’s true happiness? Unable to reproduce?
Living confined in a small house all the time? Is that what truly makes Momo-chan happy?

While dealing with such conflicts, I couldn’t make a decisive choice.

Ultimately, when she wanted to play, we let her outside, and when she wanted to come back, she would return home.

This kind of lifestyle continued for several months.

And then, on a fateful spring morning.

Momo didn’t come back during the night 🐾🐾

In the morning, she finally returned, and I gave her breakfast. I waved goodbye to her as I left for work.

Looking at this photo brings tears to my eyes… It’s still difficult for me even now.

Momo gazed at the door, looking lonely, as I left for work…

After I left, she played with my wife for a while, and as usual,

Momo, feeling the desire to go outside, my wife let her out to play…

But from that moment on, she never came back 😭

I burst into tears 😭

Every time I look at this photo, my heart tightens…

It’s painful, but I can’t bring myself to delete it 😭

We truly loved her 😢

Having gone through such an experience, when Moca became part of our family, we were determined not to make the same mistake again.

We have plenty of memories captured in pictures, and they still remain with us today.

We have many other memorable moments.

Though they won’t increase anymore.

Thank you, Momo ❤️ That will be all for now.

We’ll talk about other memories another day.

By the way, Momo is a male 😊
My foolish wife, who named him before confirming if he was a male or female 🤣

I love CIAO!churu treats! 💕

