I would like to introduce my children at home, Moca and Berry

blog in English

I will introduce my children today, but they are cute cats 🐈
First, let me introduce Moca-kun ♂.
He is a brown tabby? Or a tabby brown?
They said at the local animal hospital that he looks like a brown tabby.

The name Moca came from his fur color and also from the famous coffee of Ethiopia, Mocha, which is one of the representative coffees. I changed the spelling a little bit 😁.

What is Mocha? Let’s learn about its meaning and characteristics!

Moca-kun is a rescued cat from a stray cat. It seems that he and another cat (a female cat) were raising their kittens on the roof (or attic?) of a friend of my wife’s. However, they fell down‼️

Moreover, they seemed to have fallen between two walls, and their meows echoed from an unknown location, prompting a search throughout the house. The friend finally pinpointed the location.

And then, what happened‼️
The friend’s husband appeared with an axe🪓.

❗️❗️❗️ ガゴーン!

He fearlessly broke through the wall!!
What a man!

The friend and her husband rescued the two cats. It was around the end of spring when the kittens were still very young…

They fed them milk and took care of them with all their might.
However, could they really raise the two kittens on their own?
They faced the daily struggles of trying to balance their goodwill with the realities of their lives.

I approached my wife with a proposal.
We had a major incident at our home, where my wife was involved in a serious accident and had to be hospitalized for several months. It was a really difficult period, as my active wife had to stay at home for a long time.

However, it was also a turning point for our family, and we were able to deepen our bonds during this challenging time.
We were also considering getting a pet that could encourage and heal my wife, and based on a suggestion from a friend, we decided to adopt a male cat named Moca into our home.

We made sure to get all the necessary tools, such as a litter box, food and water containers. We also did a lot of research on how to raise a kitten.

It was a challenging experience, but also very fulfilling and enriching.

The record of his growth will be shared later.

Moca grows up healthy day by day. My wife returns to work and Moca stays home alone.

As soon as work is over, we rush back home and spend fulfilling days playing with him.

However, we are worried about Moca being alone…

Do you want a friend after all?

With that in mind, we visited pet shops, adoption sites, and breeder events to find a companion for Moca.

After months of deliberation 💦,
we had a fateful encounter at the pet store in Imabari City’s AEON Mall! It was with Berry-chan 💕, a large shopping mall chain in Japan.

At three months old, a female American Shorthair named Berry joined our family. The name Berry was inspired by various berry fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. These berry-inspired products are often mentioned for their taste or pairing with coffee.

Moca and Berry hit it off perfectly, but Moca was extremely wary of her and would show aggression. We planned to take it slow and let them get used to each other gradually, but we ended up taking the opposite approach! We took Berry out of her crate and forced them to confront each other.

It was nerve-wracking, but it worked out well in the end 😆👍

After they got along well, they became lovey-dovey 💓, I guess.

Now that we’ve had them neutered and spayed.

I had a lot of worries…

Preventing animals from breeding. It’s important to think carefully about it and not to be swayed by ideals. Breeding that cannot be raised to completion is also a sin, I believe.

Here’s the translation:

Here’s the latest photo of the two of them grooming each other 💕

Actually, before Moca, there was another cat named Momo. But I’ll save that story for another day.

You Tube Channel.👇

【初対面】berryちゃんとmocaくん初対面❣️berryちゃんがうちにきて、mocaくんとの初対面の様子です。可愛いこどもたちの日常をご紹介💕#berry #moca #momo#ベリー #モカ #もも#猫 #catyoutu.be

Thank you for reading up to this point! Let’s meet again in the next article.

